Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Who's ready?

Okay girls (and guys, if you think you can handle it) I have been sitting around on my butt for years with the same old excuses.  Oh and there have been plenty I tell ya! My favorite has always been " I am trying to lose my preggo fat" well I started that one way back when my first was born, did I mention he will be 22 years old next week. So as you can clearly tell, I was as about as motivated as.....well I am not sure. 

Weight lose has always been very hard for me because frankly I LOVE FOOD!!!! I especially like anything covered in chocolate! I can safetly say I like anything that has been anywhere in a ten foot radius of chocolate. 

My next biggest hurdle is that I never quite feel full, even after my second piece of garlic bread or my fourth or fifth cookie.  I don't know if my tummy is just used to it or if I am mentally making myself not feel full, whatever the case, it is a burden!!

Third, and I guess this is why I am starting this blog, is because if I am sitting at home, in my car or just anywhere by myself I feel like "OK, no one is around" which means this extra helping of spagetti can't hurt to eat. I am not sure if that is the dumbest sounding thing you've ever heard, but hey it gets me extra food!!!

So this is the beginning.  I want to start this and see if anyone else would like to try and reach a goal.  No money involved, just some good old fashionmoral support!!!  I figure we can trade receipes, maybe go and vent if we just went to the fridge for that extra scoop of ice cream or give each other a pat on the back when those tight jeans are easier to button. 

I went to my doctor last week and he told me a pretty basic fact - A CALORIE IS A CALORIE IS A CALORIE!!! Seems simple right, well if you think about it, it makes perfect sense!!! If you eat 1000 calories of Ben & Jerry's or 1000 calories of  salad, which plate is going to have the biggest serving!!!  One of my favorite things is a salad, and I am not talking some cheesy lettuce, tomatoe and cucumbers - I put mandarin oranges, water chestnuts, lima beans ect and use lite salad dressing and you are full!  Make salad your main dish and say the spagetti your side!!! Sounds simple right?

Okay so here's what I would like all of us to do.  Let's spend the next 7 days counting every calorie we eat!  Yeah I know it sounds absurd, but let's figure out how many calories and say we consume (if your 250, you are probably consuming 2800 calories a day) if we cut out even 500 a day, that will shed about 1 pound a week!!!  The end to each of my posts is going to be my calorie count for week and my weight at beginning and end of said week!!! Good luck!!!

Starting 1/16/12   228
On 1/23/12 I am going to post my calorie intake for that week.


  1. Go Nancy Go, I am so happy for you and will gladly be here anytime you need me. You can do this, and I still have a small bit to go, so I hope you can get me to where I want to be too. Love you woman.

    1. Great start by being pumished with a Courtney workout. I have been counting calories for today, Shocker, it is way higher then I imagined.
